At a press conference at the Hesperia Presidente hotel in the centre of Barcelona yesterday, a group of young Barcelona club members has presented a new Barcelona platform that is named 'Tots som Barça' [We're all Barça].
The group, that includes lawyers, engineers and businessmen and was founded at the end of last year, first wanted to take part in the presidential elections in June but has postponed their plan until the 2016 elections because they couldn't fulfil the requirement of depositing a bank guarantee of around 60 million euros.
Changing the Spanish legislation regarding the bank guarantee is one of goals of the platform. If the next Barcelona president doesn't act to solve the issue they want to organize a popular legal initiative and gather the 500.000 signatures needed to change the law. The elimination of the bank guarantee would be compensated by reducing the powers of the board and giving the general assembly more control.
'Tots som Barça' also wants to put in place measures that would improve the ethics and the transparency at the club. Besides that, they want to focus on the role of the young people by creating a youth board within the structures of the club (including a youth president), promoting volunteer work among the young members and reducing the costs to travel with the team.
The president of 'Tots som Barça' is Jaume Barroso i López [picture, on the right], a young Catalan lawyer. Barroso is the founding partner of the Barroso López law firm in Barcelona. He is specialized in business law and assessment.
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