Saturday, February 20, 2010

Soriano repeats wish to play role in elections

Speaking at a conference in Barcelona on Friday, former Barcelona economic vice-president Ferran Soriano has repeated that he wants to participate actively in the upcoming presidential elections, although he didn't specify what his role could be:

"I can confirm that I will take part in the elections for president in an active way. I won't give further details because I think there are still a lot of months left before the elections will take place.

I strongly believe in the Spanair project and I hope to keep on working on it for an indefinite period. The two positions would be compatible because the president of Barça does not gain a salary and must therefore earn money by working at another company."

Read more:
Soriano says current job compatible with presidency
Poll result: Will Soriano take over Godall candidacy?
Soriano to run for president