Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekly Round-Up (7): The magic stick

Every week an overview of the posts from this blog is published on Barcelona news site totalBarca.

After Friday's limited board meeting, Barcelona chief executive Joan Oliver said that the board is still trying to form one candidacy ahead of the upcoming presidential elections: "The will exists and it's an issue we're working on." The announcement came as a surprise after statements earlier in the week.

Barcelona first vice-president Alfons Godall had repeated that he only wants to negotiate without conditions: "A board cannot be a 'puzzle', you must have a united group that backs the president so he has enough room to maneuver in difficult times. A president cannot be the prisoner of his own board, he needs freedom to lead".

Barcelona institutional vice-president Albert Perrín, who supports his discreet colleague Jaume Ferrer, hit back quickly: "Godall is sectarian, he only wants to deal with certain people and we don't think that's logical".

>>> read the complete weekly round-up here