Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guixa carrying out own election poll

Earlier this month, Barcelona presidential candidate Jaume Guixà has carried out an online survey about the upcoming elections for president of FC Barcelona.

Below you find some of the questions that were asked.

Rate (from 1 to 5) the following characteristics of the pre-candidate in the FC Barcelona elections Jaume Guixà.
Proximity - Seriousness - Leadership - Popularity - Respect - Emotionality - Appropriate discours - Charisma - Confidence - Honesty

Rate (from 1 to 5) what the strengths of his candidacy are.
Seriousness - Leadership - Transparency - Closeness to the club member - Not being linked to Joan Laporta

What do you think are the points that should be improved to be the president of FC Barcelona?
Popularity - Closeness to the club member - Charisma - Others

Rate (from 1 to 5) the characteristics that the program of the new president of FC Barcelona should have according to you.
Transparency - Strengthening of the youth academy - Signing of new players - No political links - Strengthening of the non-football sections

Rate (from 1 to 5) the importance of these issues in the future Barça project.
Listening to the club member - Remodelling of the Camp Nou - Advertising on the shirt - Improvements to the stadium accessibility - Continuing the agreement with UNICEF

How would you rate the image of Joan Laporta as president of FC Barcelona?
Bad - Regular - Good - Very good

Do you consider it to be positive that Joan Laporta has linked FC Barcelona with the independence movement?
Yes - No - It is good that he has linked the club with Catalonia but not with the independence movement

In recent weeks I have seen Jaume Guixà through the following media or means of communication:
Newspapers - Radio/television - His website - His blog - Facebook/Twitter - I have not seen him - Others

Rate from 0 to 10 the pre-candidate in the FC Barcelona elections Jaume Guixà.

Would you vote for Jaume Guixà as president of FC Barcelona?
Yes - No - I don't know

Read more:
Ferrer feels backed by own poll
Poll Rosell confirms his big lead
Godall waiting for poll to announce candidacy