The candidacy, that earlier contacted journalist Xavier Bosch (read more here) and lawyer Pau Molins (read more here), would now finally have found the person that will head the list. The presidential candidate would in the end be a 40-year old resident of Barcelona.
Minguella and Medina will reportedly officially present their project and the candidate the week after the Real Madrid-Barcelona game on Saturday 10 April. The main ideas of the candidacy will be explained as well as the intention that they won't attack anybody during the campaign.
Josep Maria Minguella, a 68-year old former player's agent who now mainly acts as a Barcelona pundit for a number of radio and television shows, took part in the 2003 elections, when he ended fifth with 1.867 votes (3,62%). The Catalan supported the 2008 vote of no confidence against the board.
Jordi Medina is a 45-year old Catalan lawyer who was a pre-candidate in the 2003 and 2006 elections but failed twice to collect enough signatures of club members to take part in the final vote. Medina is the chairman of 'Un Crit Valent', an FC Barcelona platform.
Read more:
Minguella project preparing primaries
Majo stepping out of Minguella-Medina project
Minguella-Medina project still looking for a leader