Monday, May 31, 2010
The Quotes: Plaza, Benedito, Rosell, Laporta, Ferrer

Alexis Plaza
"I will not use private jets if I'm elected as president."
Agustí Benedito
"We cannot have agreements with a country like Uzbekistan."
Sandro Rosell
"If mister Rosell want to act in a populist way, he might start to stop his relationship with Scolari, who has been a coach in Uzbekistan."
Joan Laporta
"When in the past the outgoing president didn't take part in the elections, the favourite has never won."
Jaume Ferrer
read more election quotes here
Benedito, Salvat, Guixa and Plaza struggling with signatures

From the other four candidates, Benedito would be the closest to pass the cut although it would be close. The three remaining candidates - Santiago Salvat, Jaume Guixà and Alexis Plaza - would almost certainly not obtain the signatures needed and would have to leave the race.
Read more:
The process of collecting the signatures
How many people will be able to vote?
The electoral proceedings
Former player Amor supports candidacy Rosell

"You, Sandro, have been preparing this for a long time, working in silence, respecting everyone, and that's what you keep doing. Elections are won with ideas, projects. You, Sandro, I think that you're there for the people, that you're there for all. I like you because you want to unite the fans. You want a plural club, a club of everyone.
I like you because I've seen you in action, for your ability to make decisions, for how you address problems and solve them. You use heart and head. You have credibility because you have won it and there are many members who are with you and who don't get carried away by anything or anyone. I respect all candidates, of course, but I think your time has come."
Read more:
Ex-players Amor and Migueli linked with Rosell
Salvat talking with ex-players Stoichkov and Ferrer
Zubizarreta main option to replace Begiristain
Plaza: "I hope to run again in 2022"

We're less than 48 hours before the end of the collecting of the signatures. How many signatures do you have in your hands at this moment?
We have around half of them. We still need to collect more the coming day and a half. What I can assure is that we will work until the last minute.
When did you first think about running for president of FC Barcelona?
It has been in my mind for many years and I believed it shouldn't just stay a dream. I thought this was the best moment to act and that I can give many good things to the club.
When did you actually start working on the campaign for the 2010 elections?
A group of us started talking about the details in August of last year and we continued growing until today.
John Benjamin Toshack is your stepfather. Are there any players from the Welsh national team that have the qualities to play at Barça?
I have many respect for all Welsh players, but I believe there is at this moment none that could meet the profile to play in Barça.
You want to attract a shirt sponsor because of the 20 millions the club could get. Isn't that a short-term view? Won't the club lose - or attract less - fans which will make us lose more than those 20 millions in for example merchandising and television rights?
If we win games, we will always have good television rights. We have always said that we will continue helping UNICEF but we need an extra income that could come from a second sponsor. This could be achieved by sharing the shirt or putting another sponsor on the training outfit.
What do you think about the campaign so far?
It's dirty and that's not good for the club and the members. And I think it will get worse.
You have said that Sandro Rosell has been talking several times with the Boixos Nois. Are you sure of that? When and where did they meet?
We have been informed by people from other groups that they all sat together to talk. This is not necesarily a bad thing as there are people that identify themselves as Boixos Nois but are against violence.
Your campaign budget is around 3.200 euros. How much do you have left and how did you spend it?
It's in the end 3.400-3.500 euros. As soon as the process of the signatures ends, we will publish all of our costs.
You have given up your job for this campaign while Spain is going through a the biggest economic crisis of recent times. Some people see that as a proof that you are a rich kid for whom running for president is just another game.
The credit crunch is does not only affets Spain, it's something worldwide. I have always demonstrated that whatever I have been involved in, I have done it my own way. We are demonstrating that in these difficult times we must optimize all resources and that's why we are only spending a small budget. I would be more worried about those spending millions in their campaign.
What do you want to do regarding the globalization of the club? Do you agree that this should be the number one priority of the club right now?
The priority is to pay the debt we have and to continue having a good team. This will give us a good position for all the rest.
Do you plan to continue with the "Somni blaugrana" project after the elections and for example prepare the elections of 2016?
I hope that if I will get another chance to give my best for the club, this will be in 2022. I will always wish that the next president can serve his maximum term because that would mean a lot of wins and trophies for Barça. It is not an easy decision to run again in the future. We will have to see if we can offer a good project to the member.
Which question you have heard the most during this campaign and you're sick of answering?
Do you have the bank guarantee?
Which question didn't you hear one time during this campaign, while you would have liked to answer it?
Do you think you can be the best Barça president in history?
Who will you vote for if you don't pass the cut of the signatures?
I will vote for no one. I will keep on believing that our project is the best over all.
Many thanks for this interview and good luck in the final hours of the collection of the signatures.
Read more:
Benedito: "The media already have their favourites"
Cardoner: "The member always has the last word"
Guixa: "I reaffirm that the club is almost bankrupt"
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Most read of the week

Rosell to file lawsuit against Ingla
Rosell: "We can't afford to relax now"
Ingla wants to appoint club ambassadors
The remodelling plan of Santiago Salvat

The Quotes: Ferrer, Ingla, Benedito, Rosell, Plaza

Jaume Ferrer
"Whatever price the current board agrees for Cesc, if we're elected, we will and can pay it."
Marc Ingla
"They've told me that during the last league game at the Camp Nou, key members of the Boixos Nois were distributing propaganda for Sandro Rosell."
Agustí Benedito
"The signing of Mourinho is great for the Liga and for Madrid. It will again be a tough league but Barça will keep on winning trophies."
Sandro Rosell
"For who will I vote if I don't pass the cut? No one. Blank ballot."
Alexis Plaza
read more election quotes here
Several top players offered to candidates

The players who are being linked with a possible move to Barcelona this summer are: Fernando Torres (Liverpool), Andrei Arshavin (Arsenal), Carlos Tevez (Manchester City), Javier Mascherano (Liverpool), Alexandre Pato (AC Milan) and Sergio Agüero (Atlético Madrid).
Read more:
Torres not willing to negotiate with candidates
Candidates are trying to interfere in transfer talks
Rosell linked with Valencia winger Mata
Saturday, May 29, 2010
[2003] The collection of the signatures has ended

First round for Bassat
Extraordinary Barcelona atmosphere throughout the day of the delivery of the signatures
Llauradó is in a solid second place and Laporta is the real revelation
Martínez Rovira and Minguella will try to achieve a great result at the polls
Medina and Casas didn't pass the cut
Bassat 9.894 signatures
Llauradó 6.057 signatures
Laporta 5.725 signatures
Martínez Rovira 2.827 signatures
Minguella 2.286 signatures
Majó 1.852 signatures
Weekly Round-Up (24): Countdown to June 13

The collection of signatures needed to qualify the candidates for the final list that would stand for election on June 13 officially began on Monday, 17 May.
The candidates, among them Sandro Rosell, Marc Ingla and Jaume Ferrer, trooped to the the Camp Nou to get the official support forms that would be used to secure the 2,095 signatures of the club members which the club statutes mandate as a prerequisite for candidacy. The signatures of support will be presented to the Electoral Commission for validation not later than May 25.
Candidates who will make the cut and would have satisfied all the other electoral requirements will be included in the final list of candidates to be announced on 3 June.
>>> read the complete weekly round-up herePlaza rejects offer to sell signatures

"Have they tried to buy my signatures? Oh yes! I can not say who because the person did not identify himself but they have called us and because they think we are new or young, they proposed us to withdraw not to make a fool of ourselves and they asked to put a price on our signatures. But we will fight until the end. I guess some people are very desperate."
Read more:
Plaza: "Young people are tired of fake promises"
The process of collecting the signatures
Plaza considers Alexanko as sports director
Former vice-president changes Rosell for Ingla

Catalan sports paper El Mundo Deportivo claims that Farga, who has been a Barcelona board member involved with the youth academy under presidents Josep Lluís Núñez and Joan Gaspart, will in the candidacy of Ingla get a more important role in the youth policy than he would have gotten in that of Rosell.
Read more:
Ingla wants to appoint club ambassadors
Torres not willing to negotiate with candidates
Ingla talking with son of former vice-president
Rosell has already enough signatures

Former Barcelona vice-presidents Jaume Ferrer and Marc Ingla would be on their way to pass the number, while Agustí Benedito, Santiago Salvat, Jaume Guixà and Alexis Plaza would have difficulties to reach the necesary signatures of support the candidates should present on Tuesday 29 May.
Read more:
The process of collecting the signatures
"Sandro Rosell" not on support slips
The electoral proceedings
Friday, May 28, 2010
[pictures] Rosell, Ingla and the Catalan president

Former president Gaspart linked to Ingla

The paper bases their claim on the fact that seven hotels - six in the city Barcelona and one in the Catalan province of Girona - of hotel chain Husa that is owned by Gaspart are places where club members can go and deposit their signature of support for Ingla.
Asked about his position in the elections, Gaspart said in an interview with Catalan radio station Ona FM that he doesn't plan to give his support to a candidate: "Josep Lluís Núñez has every right to give his signature of support to Sandro Rosell, but I won't support any candidate."
Read more:
The Quote: Joan Gaspart
Former president Nunez will support Rosell
Spanair board divided on Soriano candidacy
The Quotes: Ferrer, Perrin, Salvat, Rosell, Plaza

Jaume Ferrer
"The lawyers of Alexandre are the same ones who for years have launched claims against the club."
Albert Perrín
"In the coming days we will make things public that will change the balance."
Santiago Salvat
"When I was born, they gave me the name Alessandro, but when they wanted to register the name, the government only accepted names included in a list of saints. So they had to change it to Alejandro, although in the end it became Alexandre."
Sandro Rosell
"Sandro Rosell has already copied two of our proposals, a youth stand and an own travel agency. Nonetheless, the media have claimed the ideas were his."
Alexis Plaza
read more election quotes here
Salvat wants scouting network of ex-players

"We should globalize our youth academy and that's why we need to have a red of people around the world who can inform us about promising players of 12-13 years old. We need to find the players who will be the new Messi or the new Ronaldinho in a few years time.
Former players like Eusebio, Nadal, Víctor Muñoz, Stoichkov, Moratalla, Rojo or Esteban are possible scouts. I think it's important these people know the club and are honest. We need to have full confidence int he people who are going to watch the players, because you cannot do this with people who bring you suspected players like Keirrison."
Read more:
Salvat talking with ex-players Stoichkov and Ferrer
Ingla wants global youth academy
Plaza considers Alexanko as sports director
Zubizarreta main option to replace Begiristain

Andoni Zubizarreta was a Barcelona player from 1986, when he arrived from Athletic Bilbao, until 1994, when he left for Valencia. With Barcelona, the 48-year old won four consecutive Spanish leagues from 1991 to 1994, two Spanish cups in 1988 and 1990, two Spanish supercups in 1991 and 1992, one Champions league 1992, one Cup winner's cup in 1989 and one European supercup in 1992.
Since his retirement as an active player, Zubizarreta, who reportedly has a close relationship with Guardiola, has been acting as radio and television pundit. From 2001 to 2004, he was the sports director of Athletic Bilbao.
Zubizarreta was also, together with - among others - Real Madrid general director Jorge Valdano, one of the founders of makeateam, a company that focuses on human resources training and consulting, of which he is currently still the vice-president.
Read more:
Begiristain proposes Zubizarreta as his successor
Ex-players Amor and Migueli linked with Rosell
Zubizarreta: "No candidate has contacted me"
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Salvat: "The board of Laporta has been extremist"

During your first public appearance you said that the other candidates were linked to political interests...
In recent years we have clearly seen the politicization of Barça. The Catalan identity is also part of our ideas, we will never deny that, but I'll be the only president who will not get involved in politics. FC Barcelona is Catalan and an ambassador for Catalonia in the world and it's something that implicitly is always there. Personally, I have never been linked to politics, I'm not in favour of Catalan independence, but I believe in the Catalan nation.
Catalan politician Joan Carretero has said that being the president of Barça is a lot more important than being the president of the Catalan government.
Being the president of Barça has a far bigger social dimension, that is true. The Barcelona president is known worldwide and the Catalan president, unfortunately, is not.
Political and economic interests have an influence on the current board?
They influence the decisions of certain members. We must distinguish between political beliefs and the personal obligations that are generated by institutionally representing Barça. The club's board should represent all political and cultural sensitivities of the members and the fans. You cannot choose one concrete option.
If we look at the economic area, an article published in the newspaper 'El Pais' talked about supposed links between Laporta and the president of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov. What do you think is true about those reports?
We have the evidence that this is true, but we won't use it. It is a very unclear issue, but I have seen that evidence. Obviously Barça should continue with those business dealings that give the club a good image and has to put aside those who are only in favour of some board member. In recent years, Barça has created more enemies than friends.
We've also heard you say that your candidacy is not "extremist". The current has been so?
Yes. Since the start, and especially at this moment, the board of Laporta has been extremist. Moreover, the current board is presidential. Laporta says what has to be done. And all those who have been leaving the board did that because they had the same feeling, they wanted to get in his seat to do the same.
Regarding your candidacy, a lot of names have been discussed, including that of Carles Rexach.
He has been in contact with us and he had a small commitment. After that, I found out through the newspapers that he would support Rosell. I did not like that. But in the next few days more names will come out, that is part of our strategy. We have a group of some twenty people, some of which have a great experience and others are young people with new ideas.
You are the son of publisher...
Yes, but I promise I won't write a book. Unlike many others, I don't run for the presidency of Barça to write a book. The final book that describes this club should be written by the members.
this was the second and last part of this interview. you can read the first part here.
Read more:
Salvat officially presents his candidacy
[picture] The kiss of Santiago Salvat
Son Camp Nou architect could lead remodelling
interview: xavier march
The Quotes: Ferrer, Benedito, Laporta, Rosell, Salvat

Jaume Ferrer
"Today, we have 1.300 signatures in our hands."
Agustí Benedito
"A company of mister Alexandre Rosell is linked with a presumed case of corruption by five public prosecutors in Brazil. I think that he should give an explanation, because this is very serious and the club member should have all elements needed to make a choice in the elections."
Joan Laporta
"My company had a contract with the government of Brasilia, who is involved in irregularities. There is no investigation against us, we have only been asked to provide information, which we did."
Sandro Rosell
"If the club needs more revenues, we should analyze if we will look for a shirt sponsor."
Santiago Salvat
read more election quotes here
Ingla wants to appoint club ambassadors

The ambassador would be the representative of the board of directors in a region where the club has an "embassy", which can be a commercial centre or a youth academy. The cities in which the club would have a seat are Abidjan, Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Sao Paulo and Tokyo.
The ambassadors will be part of a new Global Advisory Council that will advice the board regarding the club's international policy and the policy in their respective regions. It will be an honorary post, that doesn't include a salary.
The candidacy already announced yesterday the name of one person that would be appointed as club ambassador, namely that of Japanese businessman Hiroshi Mikitani [picture], who would become the ambassador in Tokyo.
Hiroshi Mikitani is the chairman and chief executive of online shopping mall operator Rakuten. Mikitani is also the owner of Japanese football club Vissel Kobe and Japanese baseball club Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles.
Read more:
Ingla wants global youth academy
Rosell to file lawsuit against Ingla
[picture] Japanese signature for Ingla
Cartoon 37: Electoral battle intensifies

(click the cartoon to enlarge)
by caye
check more election cartoons here
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Rosell: "I don't represent the Brazilian school"

translation: archie valparaiso
You've talked about proposing some players to Guardiola. Isn't that interfering in the coach's bailiwick?
I said we had some proposals. If they're asking whether we've got Wayne Rooney, for example, well, no. If we win the elections on the 14th, we'll sit down with the coaching staff and ask them, "Apart from what you wanted, we've got this and this. Are you interested?" And he'll be the one who decides.
You seem as if you like being hands-on, to want to be the team's general manager
I'm standing as chairman and that's what I want to be. I won't act as a coach or manager.
That implies that some players have been looked into and a commitment has been reached with some of them.
Yes, some people have been working to see if it could help Barça.
People from the pre-candidacy campaign.
And they'll be working in the sports department if you win the election?
No, not necessarily.
It's also been pointed out that you have your own sports-marketing company. Where do you draw the line between private business and Barça?
If we win, I'll sell it. Not because of any conflict of interest, but because I won't have the time. That's the essential reason. Having said that, the company is the same one I had in 2003. Those who criticise me now were perfectly happy for me to have it seven years ago, and I was the one who introduced them to people like Pelé, Havelange, Blatter, Platini, and so on. Back then it was fantastic, but now it's the devil's work, apparently.
Will you stop working or work less?
I'll work less for my companies so I can give Barça all the time it needs.
You carry the stigma of being Florentino Pérez transferred to Barça. Does that worry you or make you feel uncomfortable?
It's simply false. We're nothing alike in terms of the types of people we are. It's been proven that a decision with a consensus is always better than one made individually. And a signing is an important decision. That's how we'll work at Barça.
More labels: you defend the Brazilian school while today's Barça is inspired by the Dutch school
Look, we signed Ronaldinho, Belletti, Edmilson and Silvinho. They cost us 32 million and three of them played in the [2006 Champions League] final in Paris. And they won two Spanish league titles as well. Then, by selling Ronaldinho and Belletti, the club recovered 25 million of that. Now there are four Brazilians - Alves, Maxwell, Keirrison and Henrique - who cost 76 million. In the last match only Alves played, because Maxwell was injured, while two of them, Keirrison and Henrique, have never been seen on the pitch. And I'm supposed to represent the Brazilian school? Do me a favour!
Is Guardiola beyond all doubt?
Of course he is. And to demonstrate our confidence in him, if we win we'll be offering him a contract for our full term of office, six years. With annual renewals and quantitative and qualitative targets to be met. Because we know that's how Pep is going to want it.
this was the second and last part of this interview. you can read the first part here.
Read more:
Rosell: "Barça is not only about goals and titles"
"Sandro Rosell" not on support slips
Rosell wants to regulate new members
interview: david torras - joan domènech
Torres not willing to negotiate with candidates

Torres, who would have decided to leave Liverpool this summer, is reportedly not willing to talk with candidates but would be open for negotiations after the elections. After Barcelona signed David Villa earlier this month, a transfer to Barcelona would nevertheless not be an option anymore.
British tabloid paper The Daily Mirror claimed last week that Rosell would want to reproduce the Villa-Torres pairing in Barcelona. So far, there would only have been tentative enquiries, but when Rosell is elected as president he could launch a bid of more than 80 million euros. By the end of the World Cup, Rosell might have raised more funds by selling players like Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Thierry Henry.
Read more:
Torres not rejecting approach by Rosell
Candidates are trying to interfere in transfer talks
Rosell linked with Valencia winger Mata
The Quotes: Guixa, Minguella, Soriano, Salvat, Rosell

Jaume Guixà
"The only thing I would ask Txiki if he wants to continue is that he would clearly explain me how and why Henrique and Keirrison have been transferred."
Josep Maria Minguella
"I don't understand why Sandro Rosell goes to Madrid and declares there that we have a catastrophic debt while that's a lie. We have a debt of around 240 millions, which is less than our opponents."
Ferran Soriano
"Barça should not have links with countries that seem to be a dictatorship."
Santiago Salvat
"I am not against the collective sale of the television rights but only if it doesn't hurt our interests."
Sandro Rosell
read more election quotes here
Benedito: "They paid too much for Ibrahimovic"

translation: jakob zsambok
Let's go back to the subject of David Villa If you win the elections and he is already signed, what will you do with Zlatan Ibrahimovic?
This will be another problem that will have to be handled by the sports department.
Do you think the criticism he recently received is justified?
I again can only give you my opinion as a fan. I think they paid too much for him, the price of the transfer didn't reflect his market value. Nevertheless I think he can offer a lot more than he has shown so far.
The players who are not subject to criticism are the homegrown players. What plans do you have for the youth academy.
We are talking here about the uniqueness of our club, it's something we have to sustain and to improve. That's why when the time comes we will talk about the sporting structure of the club, but only about some of the issues. About the others, we will first talk to Pep Guardiola.
Will you continue to work with José Ramón Alexanco?
No neither with him, nor with Txiki Begiristain as sports director.
Let's focus on your philosophy. What will be your arguments to convince the members to vote for you?
The assets policy for example. We have a way to look at those things, which is different to the other candidates.We also have different ideas about the relationship with the members. We want Barça to be more involved in the society. We are talking about the stance the institution can take in the fight against inequality in our society. We will be different in the issues of globalization and internationalization. We want to change the way our fans relate to the club. Also about the issues of assets policy, we want to construct a new Palau and rebuild the stadium. All of those things will be handled with the level of excellence a club like ours deserves, with total transparency and our feet on the ground, with common sense and doing things the "catalan" way.
Do you think Sandro Rosell is the favourite to win the elections?
It depends on the area in Barcelona you go to and which newspapers you read. In some of them it seems like Rosell doesn't have a rival. However this perception is contrasted by my experience when talking with the members. My perception in contrast to the estimations is that 80% of the voters are still undecided. I think this election will be a very open one.
Do you think that the "war" between Rosell and the continuity candidacy will benefit you?
The only thing I can tell you is that I would like to have clean elections in which we can talk about our plans with education. I'm only interested in communicating my plans to the members with the same chances as the others. We don't know what the others will do but we certainly won't enter this game because that wouldn't go in hand with the Barça we want.
Do you agree with the appointment of Johan Cruyff as honorary president of Barcelona?
I think if the club makes the decision to have an honorary president for the first time in its 110 years of history, it should be a consensus decision. Therefore we should have had the opportunity to decide, first if we even want an honorary president, and if we want to have one, it should be a person who represents everyone. In any case to erase any doubts we will consult the members about the decision to appoint Cruyff, if the majority is ok with it, I will be too.
Will you continue with Txiki Begiristain and Tito Vilanova?
As I already said before, I won’t continue with Tixi, because I think a new presidency should have a new technical director since it's a post of confidence. About Tito we would have to talk with Pep, but I'm certain that he will want to continue working with him, and therefore he will stay.
this was the third and last part of this interview. you can read the first part here and the second part here.
Read more:
Benedito: "Our secret weapon are the people"
[pictures] Presidential candidates in Paris
Benedito says others have political and media links
interview: elena fernández
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
[video] The remodelling plan of Sandro Rosell
This is the project of the candidacy of Barcelona presidential candidate Sandro Rosell to remodel the Camp Nou and the surroundings of the stadium.
Rosell to file lawsuit against Ingla

"Well, we're disppointed. I have not been officially accused. This is slander. This offends my honour so we need to act. Marc Ingla has crossed the line so tomorrow we will take legal action against him. This needs to stop, we demand for a clean campaign.
We should talk about Barça and the projects we have for the club because the member is not interested in all this. I ask all candidates to stop talking about the subject and I certainly will not talk about it anymore from now on."
Asked about the case, Ingla had said this morning in an interview with Catalan television channel TV3 that it seems Rosell had been charged. When the presenter corrected him and said that we were actually so far only in the stage of investigation, Ingla rectified saying that he's not familiar with legal terminology.
This evening, Ingla repeated in an interview with Catalan radio station RAC 1 that he used the wrong legal term and apologized for any misunderstandings that this coudl have cause. He also asked that Rosell would give further explanation about the case.
Read more:
Rosell: "Guardiola represents our core values"
There could be up to six electorals debates
Ingla: "We will change the style of government"
[2003] Klaus Toppmöller, the coach of Medina

Toppmöller, the coach of Medina
Together with the German, two to four players of his confidence will join, while the candidate is already close to deals with four players
Klaus Toppmöller, who led Bayer Leverkusen to be the runner-up in the Champions League, the league and the cup in 2002, has reached an almost total agreement with Jordi Medina to take place on the bench if the candidate wins the election.
The president of the platform 'A Crit Valent' confirmed yesterday that "on Thursday or Friday, at the latest, I will close the deal with him in Barcelona. We have had several conversations and I have his permission to confirm this".
Medina explained that the German "has other very interesting offers but he already knows our project and he likes it". The candidate added that 'Toppi' "would not come alone. He will bring two to four players he knows". The presidential candidate said that contacts with Toppmöller, the best coach of 2002 in Germany, came after the 'transfer' of Johan Neeskens didn't go through.
Seven board members continue until 30 June

The ten members of the board were forced to resign because they will be officially part of a candidacy in the presidential elections on Sunday 13 June. Apart from Godall, who supports former Barcelona marketing and sports vice-president Marc Ingla, all other directors who left are part of the candidacy of Jaume Ferrer.
A board of seven people will now govern the club until 30 June, with president Joan Laporta sports vice-president Rafael Yuste [picture, on the left], secretary Josep Cubells, treasurer Xavier Sala i Martín, and directors Jacint Borràs, Josep Anton Colomer and Maria Elena Fort staying in office. Sala i Martín is expected to leave the club at the end of this term, while the other six support the candidacy of Jaume Ferrer.
Read more:
Sala i Martin to leave the club in July
Ferrer gets new support from board members
Godall resigns as director ahead of the elections
Ayats: "We have a model and experience"

Ferrer uses to say that he wants to continue with the current management model, but changing the style of governing...
Yes, we want a president who appears less in the media, because we believe that the spotlights should be on the players and the coaches.
You announced quite soon that you would take part, but it has not been easy so far. First you disagreed with Laporta, now you have his support, there was the famous spying case... The members could penalize these changes of opinion?
No, Jaume has come out of these events stronger since his leadership has been recognized. He has always managed to deal with the pressure and to stay committed to the club, not like other directors who chose to leave. It was not easy to form a consensus candidacy, and the member will value that.
Ferrer has enough charisma and popularity to win the elections?
Without any doubt. The members surely appreciate the fact that Jaume has been a director since 2003 and that he has not appeared in the media until now. This shows that he has always focused on managing the club well.
But some polls suggest Sandro Rosell is the favorite. Do you believe them?
What I think is that it is clear to the member that to continue winning our project is more secure, because we have a model and the experience of the past years. The polls show a positive trend for Jaume, and we are optimistic.
Which of his virtues would you highlight?
It's a great candidate who has always wanted to be president of Barça. I would highlight his experience, commitment, teamwork, leadership, mental strength at delicate times...
As a member of the current board, Ferrer will certainly be ask for explanations on some of the latest decisions of the board. What do you think about the appointment of Johan Cruyff as honorary president?
We think it's positive, although we also think it should have been done earlier because he already deserved it for a long time.
There's also a lot of talk about pacts. Can you confirm that you won't do it?
We want to get to the final vote alone because we have a strong project. For the moment, we are not considering anything else and if they offer us a pact one day, that should always be with Jaume as leader of the candidacy.
And what would your contribution to the candidacy be?
As an economist and an administrator, I believe I can bring, first of all, a fresh view on things. I am 39 years old, the same as Jaume when he arrived at the club, and I hope to add enthusiasm, ability to think and hard work.
this was the second part of this interview. you can read the first part here.
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interview: dani colmena