Sobrequés explained at the press conference his reasons for supporting Guixà in his race to the presidency: "I support Jaume Guixà because I see him as a person who could lead FC Barcelona in an effective and different way. He could be the new blood that is needed as he doesn't have any historical links with the club.
Laporta will try for a continuity candidate to keep on leading the club, but I think the club needs someone with a different way of acting and being than the outgoing president, and that Barça should be led by a strict and punctual person like Guixà, a professor and a man of sciences and someone who is used to that kind of seriousness.
I also insist that we need to decentralize the club. We don't stop talking about Barcelona being the club of Catalonia, but that should be put in practice and that's why we are here today and why we will later be in Lleida and Tarragona, so that the club members and the fans' clubs of the whole territory feel that we respresent them. We want to have the support of as many people as possible, not only of the club members who can vote for us but also of others who support the club."
Jaume Sobrequés, who will be part of the club's board of directors if Guixà is chosen president, is a 66-year old historian, university professor and former politician. From 1993 to 2000, Sobrequés was part of the Barcelona board under then president Josep Lluís Núñez, being a vice-president of the club for a couple of years during that period.
Read more:
More about Guixa
Candidates disapprove Laporta's party behaviour
Jaume Guixa will run for president