in this section, we ask catalan and spanish sports journalists five questions about the elections for president of fc barcelona. today: joan domènech from catalan newspaper el periódico.
1. What is the biggest obstacle for a pact between Ferran Soriano and Alfons Godall?
I think there is none and if they don't reach an agreement, I would think it's a matter of strategy. It would be to the advantage of both. I think that Soriano wouldn't have a chance to win the elections on his own and if he teams up with Godall they would mutually reinforce each other.
2. Why is Sandro Rosell at this moment the big favourite?
Because ha has been able to prepare his candidacy for the last five years. Because he has known the club from within and because he has observed from outside what has been done well and what has been done badly. Because he has knowledge of the football industry, because he's a smart guy and, I suppose, has surrounded himself with smart people. And also because he can still count on the charisma and the prestige he gained when he was vice-president.
3. Jaume Ferrer is closer to Godall-Soriano or to Rosell?
He should be closer to Godall but some people from that candidacy alienate him. He wants to be the alternative to the two and he will distance himself from both.
4. Xavier Sala i Martín is an asset or a liability for Alfons Godall?
I am unaware about the image Sala i Martín in general has among the social mass of Barça. I do know the image he has in a more limited circle, which is that of the journalists, and that is not very good. I suppose he will be an asset for Godall because of his economic knowledge and because he could serve as "the bad guy" in the debates; he could be a liability if he puts too much emphasis on that bad guy image and overuses the haughty tone that he sometimes displays when he talks.
5. Is it possible that certain media or individual journalists will openly support a candidate?
Journalists may have their sympathies, but media will show a preference based on the sympathies their bosses have towards a candidate, not on that of the journalists on the field. Possibly some media will openly choose. It has happened before.
THE EXTRAS If you were a club member of Barça, who would you vote for or certainly not vote for?
With four months to go before the elections, I'm not choosing any of them. They all have something I like and something I don't like. If I would be a member, things would not be clear either. I would care a lot about maintaining the current sports model.
All your possessions are at stake. Give the top-3 of the elections on 13 June.
I would put a very small part on Rosell-Godall-Ferrer.
Thank you for this interview and your time. Good luck in covering the rest of the season and the elections.
read the previous episodes of this series:
francisco ávila (efe) - miquel pellicer (el mundo deportivo) - edu polo (ona fm) - abraham clotet (sport) - victor lozano (onda cero) - sergi de juan (el 9 esportiu) - cristian pulina (eurosport)