Asked about the polls indicating that Barcelona presidential candidate Sandro Rosell is currently the favourite ahead of the elections (check some poll results here), Barcelona treasurer Xavier Sala i Martín has said in an interview with Catalan radio station Catalunya Ràdio that the candidacy of Barcelona first vice-president Alfons Godall has other poll results:
"All there is now are estimations. The elections haven't yet been called, you don't know who the candidates will be. We'll see what happens when the elections will come closer. There are surveys that say that Sandro is in the lead. I have polls that say it's not like that, that there are others who are in the lead.
And there are indeed also polls that say that the people who want to continue with this project are in the lead and could win the elections. And the reason is simple: the people aren't stupid and in the end they see that things are going well and that this is not the time for changes and experiments. We will see what will happen."
Read more:
Soriano carrying out election poll
Poll Rosell confirms his big lead
Guixa carrying out own election poll