"We don't yet have the person who will represent the project. As we have said, we want to organize primaries and we're now looking who want to take part in those primaries. There could be four or five possible names and then we'll see who will be chosen as the best option. If that happens, we'll tell you and if not, we go home and that would also be fine.
It's true that if you look at the actual pre-candidates, one gets a bit scared. In a good way, of course. But I want our project to succeed. I think the club member of Barça would also like it that there are several options, several ways of understanding and leading the club, and then it's up to the member to decide."
Read more:
Project Minguella to be announced next month
Medina continues to work on candidacy
Llaurado admits talks with Minguella and Rexach