Speaking to Catalan news site E-notícies, Barcelona presidential candidate Agustí Benedito has said that surveys carried out by his candidacy show that most of the voters still didn't make a decision:
"The continuism has little support so far. They will have difficulties and that seems unbelievable after the best year in the history of the club. Alternative candidates almost shouldn't have a chance, but that's not the case. The majority feeling is that the club members are not very enthusiastic about the continuity candidates.
Our polls tell us that around 80% of the members have not yet decided on their vote and could give it to the continuity candidates. The majority of the remaining 20% is today leaning towards Sandro Rosell, but the part of the members who should still make a decision is very high."
Read more:
Everybody knows Sandro Rosell
Guixa carrying out own election poll
Ferrer feels backed by own poll